Voice Recordings and Sound Design

We've been producing voice recordings for years. However, the recording in our audio guide can be a much richer experience than just the narrator's voice.

We launch time machines, bring deserted places back to life. We present historical knowledge in various ways. Our audioguides will take you on a journey you haven't dreamed of. Productions enriched with fitting voices, music, and special effects will draw every visitor into a whirlpool of knowledge.

Our selected productions

Below we present our best works.

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Katowice Nikiszowiec

Katowice Nikiszowiec

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Lipnica Murowana

Lipnica Murowana - Japanese

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Muzeum Historyczne w Sanoku

Historical Museum in Sanok

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Muzeum Broni Pancernej w Poznaniu

Armored Weapons Museum in Poznań

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Muzeum Historyczne w Sanoku

Historical Museum in Sanok - English

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Niemiecki Obóz Zagłady w Treblince

German Extermination Camp in Treblinka - Hebrew

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Zamek w Lublinie

Lublin Castle - Russian

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Zamek w Łańcucie

Łańcut Castle - German

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Zamek w Łańcucie

Łańcut Castle - Ukrainian

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Dom Jana Pawła II

John Paul II House - Spanish

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Dom Jana Pawła II

John Paul II House - Portuguese

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Dom Jana Pawła II

John Paul II House - Slovenian

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Dom Jana Pawła II

John Paul II House - Hungarian

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Dom Jana Pawła II

John Paul II House